Available databases at Eötvös Loránd University in 2023

ELTE EISZ subscription

In 2023, the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) will subscribe to the following databases via Electronic Information Service National Program (EISZ) consortia:

  1. Akadémiai Kiadó Folyóiratcsomag 
  2. Akadémiai Kiadó Magyar Elektronikus Referenciamű Szolgáltatás (MeRSZ) 
  3. Brill Foreign Law Guide 
  4. Cambridge University Press (CUP) Journals – Full Collection 
  5. CAS SciFindern 
  6. Clarivate – InCites Benchmarking&Analytics 
  7. Clarivate – Journal and Highly Cited Data (JHCD) 
  8. Clarivate – Web of Science Core Collection 
  9. EBSCO – Academic Search Complete 
  10. Elsevier – ScienceDirect 
  11. Elsevier – Scopus 
  12. Emerald – The Case Journal 
  13. IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package 
  14. JSTOR – Essential Collection 
  15. Kossuth Kiadó 
  16. L’Harmattan Digitális Adatbázis 
  17. MathSciNet 
  18. Oxford Handbooks Online (OHO) – Law 
  19. Springer Nature – Springer Journals (SpringerLink) 
  20. SZAKTÁRS – Akadémiai Digitális Archívum 
  21. SZAKTÁRS – Argumentum Kiadó 
  22. SZAKTÁRS – Attraktor Kiadó 
  23. SZAKTÁRS – Balassi Kiadó 
  24. SZAKTÁRS – Gondolat Kiadó 
  25. SZAKTÁRS – Napvilág Kiadó 
  26. SZAKTÁRS – Osiris Kiadó 
  27. SZAKTÁRS – Tinta Könyvkiadó – SzakKönyvTár 
  28. Typotex – Interkönyv 
  29. Wiley Online Library Full Collection 



Subscribers to the SciFinder-n database get access to the entire Scifinder Discovery Platform. The SciFinder Discovery Platform is a new, expanded service of CAS, which includes access to CAS Analytical Methods, CAS Formula and ChemZent in addition to SciFinder-n. More information about the service is available on the publisher's website.



The publisher is moving its scientific publications to a new platform. The move takes more time than planned.

After January 2023, the subscribed content can be accessed via IP identification. The introduction of the eduID service is expected by the end of March 2023. Therefore, VPN service can be used for remote access. The publisher is constantly uploading its older publications to the new interface, the L'Harmattan publications published since 2010 will be fully available on the new interface by the end of June.



The Academic Digital Archive and Argumentum Publishers are the new partners of SZAKTÁRS platform.


USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive

The Visual History Archive platform of the USC Shoah Foundation has been renewed and is now available on the new interface.


Springer e-book packages

The EISZ plans to enter into a framework contract with Springer to make e-book packages available in 2023, for which a 50% EISZ subsidy is also expected. The public procurement procedure has been initiated, according to the plans, a contract will be concluded in February. Orders for the packages will be accepted as soon as the contract is signed.


Separate subscriptions


In addition to the EISZ, you can access to the following databases until the 31th of December 2023:

  1. Arcanum Digitheca
  2. EBSCO Education Research Complete

We are pleased to answer any further questions regarding databases at eisz@lib.elte.hu.

Source/author of illustration:

University biographical mosaics – Schönvisner István

Two hundred and fifty years ago, in 1773, Pope Clement XIII dissolved the Jesuit order, accelerating the process of the university's transfer to the state. Between 1635 and 1773, many distinguished Jesuits of great knowledge taught at our university, leaving a lasting mark on the history of the institution. In February our feature is on István Schönvisner, the father of Hungarian scientific archaeology.

István Schönvisner was born on the 15th of December 1738 in Sóvár, Sáros County. After studying at the Jesuit college in Eperjes, he enrolled at the University of Vienna in 1754, and in 1756 he applied for admission to the Jesuit order. He was ordained a priest in 1768, then taught in Trnava and Vienna. After the dissolution of the Jesuit order in 1777, the queen appointed him the second keeper of the University Library. From then until the end of his life, he remained an employee of the library, in 1794 he became the director of the library. One of his important tasks was the management of the coin collection in the library. He also taught medal and antiquities at the university, during the academic year 1794/1795 he was the rector of the university. His scientific achievements include the excavation of the public bath in Aquincum, the elaboration of the history of Savaria (Szombathely), the three-volume catalog of Ferenc Széchényi’s medal collection and his work on the history of Hungarian medalology. Several of his manuscripts works have survived in his legacy, including a collection of diplomas relating to the history of the university, which can be found in the manuscript collection of our library today. 

The picture shows the first page of his university history manuscript.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Access to Digital Content from the National Library of Korea

The University Library and Archives has joined the National Library of Korea Digitized Material Service partnership programme.

Partner institutions have access to more than nine million digital documents, of which nearly one and a half million are books. In addition to Korean documents – old books, old maps, textbooks, general books, magazines, daily newspapers, children's books, musical scores – there are also materials in Japanese and foreign languages related to Korea. The content is available on designated terminals in three libraries, the Library of the Institute of East Asian Studies, the Library of Faculty of Education and Psychology and the University Library and Archives.

Source/author of illustration:

Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE – February 2023

Object of the month – Cabaret poster

„The uncle. Collegium farce in 3 acts. Collected from old memories by Gyuszi Bodnár. Music whistled by Mr Kodály. The Laczkó freshman adds a prologue.” February 16, 1904, 48x69 cm, Location: József Eötvös Collegium, TG Hall.

In the exhibition guide published in 2011, Magdolna Tóth writes about cabaret posters: „Cabaret posters are special documents of college student life. The tension of the hard work was relieved by the theatrical performances, the „cabarets”, sometimes interwoven with Rabelaisian humor, which were initially presented by the collegians on Mr. BG's name day at the end of February. The professors of the university were also invited to this occasion, who had often become „victims” of the student pranks, but on this day they were not allowed to take offense.”

Compiled by Attila Boda

Source: Lustrum. The palace of the Eötvös Collegium in Ménesi út is 100 years old. Exhibition manager. Ed. László Horváth. Budapest, 2011, 85–87.

Source/author of illustration:
József Eötvös Collegium

New books in our archival library

In 2022, the University Library and Archive won 300 000 HUF at the tender of the National Cultural Fund for the purchase of professional archival books.

The funds were used to purchase English-language reference books on archival studies, the professional tasks of university archives and the university's museum collections. The books are available in our archival research room.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Taiwan Rare Books

Integrated Search  For Rare Books 古籍與特藏文獻資源
It provides access to the old book database and special collections of the National Central Library both individually and through a common, integrated search interface.

You can search in the following seven databases:
1.古籍影像檢索系統 (Rare Books Digital Images Database System)
2. 中文古籍聯合目錄資料庫 (Union Catalog of Chinese Rare Books Database)
3. 臺灣家譜聯合目錄資料庫 (Union Catalog of Genealogy Collection)
4. 金石拓片資料 (Bronze & Stone Rubbing Database)
5. 晚清期刊資料庫 (Periodicals in Late Qing Dynasty)

NCL Taiwan Periodical Literature

This database system contains the following 4 sub-databases:

1. Taiwan Periodical Literature臺灣期刊論文索引系統
For search for articles. A rather complete index for periodical literature published in Taiwan post WWII.

2. Directory to Taiwan Periodicals中華民國出版期刊指南系統
For search for journals information. This Directory collects mainly the journals, newspapers, and gazettes published in Taiwan. It also includes some selected academic journals published in Hong Kong and Macau, and some important periodicals and newspapers published before 1945 in Mainland China.

Three ELTE journals received the title „MTMT Qualified Journal”

For the first time, ELTE journals received the title „MTMT Qualified Journal”. The recognition is considered outstanding both within the university and nationwide.

The MTMT (Hungarian National Library of Scientific Works) Repository Qualification Committee has awarded certificates to three online scientific journals affiliated with the ELTE Faculty of Humanities, based on the submitted applications for qualification:

Currently, only fourteen academic journals are certified.

The qualification protocol is intended to certify journals’ publishing practices published in online database software, using the Open Access or delayed Open Access publishing model. The process examines the journal's peer review process and the practice of informing potential authors and readers. The purpose of the certification is to support the work of the editorial offices, to promote  the development of a standardised operation of national web journals, which also ensures the automatic uploading of the articles' bibliographic data into MTMT.

The recognition is due to the outstanding and persistent professional work of the editorial boards of Lejana, RussianStudies.hu and Journal of East Asian Cultures, the scientific research of the authors, as well as the support of the coordinator responsible for strengthening, increasing the prestige and visibility of the journals affiliated with the ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Edit Zelei Markó-Markechné, and the contribution of the ELTE University Library and Archives.

Our heartfelt congratulations to the editorial board of the qualified journals and to the authors published in the journals, and we wish them continued success in their academic work!

Qualified journals (https://mtmt.hu/minositett_folyoiratok)
Repository Certification Committee (https://www.mtmt.hu/repozitoriumminosito-szakbizottsag)
MTMT classification of scientific online journals (https://openaccess.mtak.hu/blog-post/webes-tudomanyos-folyoiratok-mtmt-minositese)

Source/author of illustration:

Virtual programmes with just one click

Our virtual exhibitions are now available on our website with just one click, allowing you to explore our museum treasures from the comfort of your home.

Our virtual exhibition Under the spell of accuracy – The Life and Work of Loránd Eötvös gives you an insight into the life, work, scientific achievements, thinking and everyday life of Loránd Eötvös.

Book, Robe, Science – University history exhibition presents the most important symbols of the university.

Our virtual medical history exhibition offers an insight into the history of medicine and the secrets of healing in the 16th century.

Furthermore, our virtual library tour allows to discover the rooms of our historic building. Join one of our virtual time-travels or visit our library and the exhibitions currently on display in person.

In addition to the artefacts displayed in our online exhibitions, you will find more interesting information in our EDIT repository. We wish you a pleasant time exploring our museum treasures!

Source/author of illustration: