Delpher Boeken Basiscollectie (1781-1800)


Delpher, a portal offering Dutch historical texts, was developed by the Royal Library in cooperation with the Meertens Institute and the university libraries of Amsterdam, Groningen, Leiden and Utrecht. This collection offers freely accessible books from the Dutch-speaking region from the period 1781-1800 and consists primarily of historical, political, theological and literary works. 


New booklet of ELTE Disability Center (SHÜTI)

The ELTE Disability Center (SHÜTI), an office of the university with the aim to ensure equal opportunities to students with special needs, has published a booklet entitled Equal Access in Higher Education: Information for Lecturers and Academic Staff

The publication edited by Krisztina Kovács, the University's Disability Coordinator is available in all ELTE faculty libraries, as well as in the ELTE University Library and Archives. The book provides comprehensive information on the rights of university students with special needs, the special services they can apply for, the assistants, the aids, the accessible learning materials and all other infocommunication and physical accessibility options that in the higher education are available. Each chapter contains a bibliography on the subject.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE Disability Center (SHÜTI)

Webinars by Elsevier

In the first half of 2023 Elsevier offers free online trainings in English and Hungarian for researchers, university lecturers, MA and PhD students and librarians.

Trainings in English are provided by the Elsevier Online Training Hub, Elsevier Webinars for Central & Eastern Europe. More information on the webinars in Hungarian is available on the website of Hungarian Customer Center (


Predatory journals and how to avoid them

Predatory journals have become a significant concern in science communication. Find out how you can use the Scopus database to search for prestigious journals.

Time: March 28, 2023 10:00 AM

Language: English



Parazita folyóiratok – Mik ezek és hogyan ne essünk áldozatul? (Predatory journals and how to avoid them)

The webinar will cover how to identify and effectively avoid parasitic journals and how to select quality, reliable sources.

Time: March 28, 2023 11:30 AM

Language: Hungarian


Source/author of illustration:

Preprint Citation Index

Preprint Citation Index is a multidisciplinary collection of preprints from a wide range of leading preprint repositories. Web of Science (WoS) currently indexes five preprint servers: arXiv, bioRxiv, medRxiv, chemRxiv, The five repositories contain about 2 million records, however twenty more repositories will be indexed in the near future.

All records in the product contain standard bibliographic metadata such as author, abstract and keywords. The extended metadata includes the affiliation of the author, sponsor information and references. Version control metadata is not included in the database.

The presentation is available here.

Source/author of illustration:

Window of Shanghai

Currently, the "Window of Shanghai" has increased the scope of e-books services from the original one thousand titles of books to 10,059 titles of e-books, 227 titles of reference books and 30 newspapers.The "Window of Shanghai" e-book website provides free online reading and downloading services of e-books published by a number of publishers at home and abroad, including China Intercontinental Press, Shanghai People's Publishing House, Fudan University Press, Anhui Children's Publishing House, Guangdong Education Press, Harbin Publishing House, Hong Kong University Press, Penguin Publishin

University biographical mosaics – Ferenc Weiss

Two hundred and fifty years ago, in 1773, Pope Clement XIII dissolved the Jesuit order, accelerating the process of the university's transfer to the state. Between 1635 and 1773, many distinguished Jesuits of great knowledge taught at our university, leaving a lasting mark on the history of the institution. In March our feature is on Ferenc Weiss, one of the founders of the Buda University Observatory and a pioneer of engineering education in Hungary. 

Ferenc Weiss was born in 1717 in Nagyszombat. He entered the Jesuit order in 1733 and after completing his studies he taught in several Jesuit grammar schools in the Highlands. From 1753 he taught mathematics at the University of Nagyszombat, and in 1755 he opened an institute for the most talented young Jesuits, the first institute for the training of mathematical teachers in Hungary. He participated in the construction of the university's observatory in Nagyszombat and became its director in 1761. After the university's move to Buda, he played a key role in the construction of the new university observatory in the Royal Palace of Buda, alongside Miksa Hell and János Sajnovics. From 1756 he published his astronomical and meteorological observations regularly. Ferenc Weiss died in 1785 in Buda, and donated his books to the University Library. His meteorological notes from 1763 to 1766 are currently preserved in the library's manuscript collection. 

Source/author of illustration:

Webinar by Elsevier

In the first half of 2023 Elsevier offers free online trainings in English and Hungarian for researchers, university lecturers, MA and PhD students and librarians. The first session will provide useful information on research data management.

Importance of research data management

Research data management plays a crucial role at different levels of research activity today. This webinar will discuss Elsevier's effective solutions to help managing research data.

Time: 14th March 2023; 10:00 (CET)

Language: English

Register to the webinar



Source/author of illustration:

Two more ELTE journals awarded the title „MTMT Qualified Journal”

The recognition is considered outstanding both within the university and nationwide.


The Repository Certification Committee of the MTMT (Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára = Hungarian Science Bibliography – the database of Hungarian scientific publications) issued certificates to two more scientific online journals affiliated with the ELTE Faculty of Humanities based on the submitted certification requests.

Our newly MTMT Qualified Journals:

Currently, only sixteen academic journals are certified.

The qualification protocol is intended to certify journals’ publishing practices published in online database software, using the Open Access or delayed Open Access publishing model. The process examines the journal's peer review process and the practice of informing potential authors and readers. The purpose of the certification is to support the work of the editorial offices, to promote  the development of a standardised operation of national web journals, which also ensures the automatic uploading of the articles' bibliographic data into MTMT.

The recognition is due to the outstanding and persistent professional work of the editorial board of Dissertationes Archaeologicae ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae and Névtani Értesítő, to the scientific research of the authors, as well as to the support of the librarians of the ELTE Faculty of Humanities Library and Katalin Jakab, MTMT administrator of the ELTE FoH Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies, and to the University Library and Archives.

Our heartfelt congratulations to the editorial board of the qualified journals and to the authors published in the journals, and we wish them continued success in their academic work.



Qualified journals

Repository Certification Committee

MTMT classification of scientific online journals


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