Open Access LMU

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München is a leading research university in Europe. Since its founding in 1472 it has been committed to the highest international standards of excellence in research and teaching. More than 80,000 documents are available in the Open Access repository.


OhioLINK Electronic Theses And Dissertations

Established in 1992, the Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) is Ohio’s statewide academic library consortium, serving 117 libraries at 88 institutions plus the State Library of Ohio. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) contains over 58,000 theses and dissertations from students at 31 of Ohio’s world-renowned academic institutions.


LSHTM Research Library

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is renowned for its research, postgraduate studies and continuing education in public and global health. We have an annual research income of more than £190 million and are one of the highest-rated research institutions in the UK.


Trial access to the Elsevier Complete Anatomy digital database

Elsevier has offered trial access to its Complete Anatomy digital database. The database can be tested between the 26th of April 2023 and the 30th of June 2023.

Connection procedure:

• Download the free version of Complete Anatomy from the App Store or Google Play  for your compatible device,

• Log in to the university network,

• Then register a personal account in the application and enter the activation code. The activation code required for entry can be requested at the e-mail address

3D4Medical Complete Anatomy provides the world's most advanced 3D anatomy platform to help students, educators, healthcare professionals and patients acquire and use anatomical knowledge.

Source/author of illustration:

150 years of secondary school teacher education – Trefort Conference at the ELTE University Library and Archives

This year, ELTE Trefort Ágoston Teacher Training High School celebrated the 150th anniversary of its foundation and adopted eight prints of great significance to the history of the school, which are preserved in the ELTE University Library and Archives.

When it was founded, the Trefort High School was called the „High School of the Royal Hungarian Teacher Training Institute”. Established in 1872, it was the first institution in Hungary to offer practical training to teacher candidates, and the first in Europe. One of the venues for the conference on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of secondary school teacher training was the Reading Hall of our library, which once housed the gymnasium for a few academic years.

In her welcome speech, Dr. Kulcsár Szabó Ernőné Gombos Annamária, Director General of the ELTE University Library and Archives, expressed her gratitude to Director Zoltán Csapodi for his generous support of the book adoption programme. This symbolic gesture also served as a kind of atonement for the inconveniences suffered by the library during the forced co-tenancy of almost 150 years ago, such as the autopsies performed for the teaching of natural history or the fire that once broke out in one of the classrooms. More fascinating details about the history of the library are available at Curiosities, rarities on our website.

The speakers of the session, Jr. Iván Bertényi (Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna) on the educational policy environment of Ágoston Trefort and the founding of the Teacher Training High School during the Dualism era, Dr. Imre Garai (ELTE Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology) on the changes in the institutional system between the two world wars that shaped the secondary school teaching profession, and Dr. János Gombocz (Hungarian University of Physical Education and Sport Sciences) on the decades of teacher training after 1945.

During the conference, guests had the opportunity to visit the Director-General's Room and the Historical Old Bookstore, which is thought to have once served as some of the rooms of the teacher training college. In addition to the adopted volumes, our chamber exhibition included some special publications from the school's library and former school memorabilia preserved in the archives, such as the decree of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Ágoston Trefort, on the establishment of the unified secondary school teachers' college, the first register of the school from 1874/1875, and the first school register from 1874/1875. The school's first register book from the 1874/1874 school year, a visitors' book from the 1877/1878 school year and the timetable for the 1882/1883 school year.

The two institutions remain committed to working together and to maintaining their partnership in the future.

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University biographical mosaics – Gábor Hevenesi

Gábor Hevenesi was born in 1656 and entered the Jesuit order in 1671 in Sopron. He taught rhetoric and theology in Nagyszombat and later became rector of the Pazmaneum in Vienna.

Hevenesi was a colleague and advisor of the archbishop of Esztergom, Lipót Kollonich, and in 1686 he began collecting sources of Hungarian history on the archbishop’s behalf. He collected ninety-one volumes from copies of documents and certificates in archives and in private ownership. Most of the original documents have since been destroyed, so the value of the manuscript collection is inestimable. In the course of his literary activity, he published more than thirty books, one of the most significant of which is a collection of biographies written about Hungarian saints. In addition to his ecclesiastical works, he also contributed to the first atlas of Hungary. His manuscript collection is preserved in our library.

Source/author of illustration:
Detail of the Hevenesi atlas depicting Buda and Pest (Coll. Hev. 91.)

Managing Research Data and Preparing a Research Data Management Plan

The ELTE University Library and Archives announces an online training on managing research data and preparing a research data management plan.

The presentation will also cover the proper management of research data and the preparation of the research data management plan required by NKFIH as part of the application to OTKA grants. The aim of the presentation is to introduce participants to the concept, type and possible methods of creating research data. Further topics of discussion will include: tools for research data management and research data storage: data repositories.

Available sessions of the training:


28th April 2023, 1:00 PM (CEST)

2nd May 2023, 10.00 AM (CEST)


The language of the training is Hungarian.

The platform of the training: Microsoft Teams.


A link to join the event will be sent to the provided e-mail address prior to the presentation. If you have any further questions about the program, please contact us at

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Trial Access to the Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Medical Journal Database

Wolters Kluwer Publishing has offered trial access to the Lippincott Williams and Wilkins medical journal database. The database  is available for testing between the 17th of April 2023 and the 17th of May 2023, connected to the university's internet network at the following link: connection to LWW. Remote access to the database is possible using a VPN service.

Trial access applies to the following products:

  • ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal from 2015
  • American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation from 2015
  • Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine from 2015
  • Current Sports Medicine Reports from 2015
  • Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews
  • Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, The from 2015
  • Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise from 2015
  • Nutrition Today from 2015
  • Ovid MEDLINE Advantage
  • Ovid User License (Online)
  • Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine


Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (LWW) is Wolters Kluwer's medical journal database. Through the EISZ, the publisher's 200 medical journals and 1,000 full-text e-books are available for universities and 48 journals for hospitals. The collections cover all areas of medicine and include access to the MEDLINE database.

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Trial access to the SAGE Premier package

The publisher SAGE has offered trial access to EISZ member institutions. The database will be available for testing between the 14th of April 2023 and the 2nd of June 2023, connected to the university's internet network. Remote access to the database is possible using a VPN service.

The editions of more than 1,100 journals of SAGE, one of the world's largest scientific publishers, are available after 1999 in the database. The publications cover all scientific disciplines, with a particular focus on natural sciences journals.

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