University biographical mosaics – György Dobronoki

Two hundred and fifty years ago, in 1773, Pope Clement XIII dissolved the Jesuit order, accelerating the process of the university's transfer to the state. Between 1635 and 1773, many distinguished Jesuits of great knowledge taught at our university, leaving a lasting mark on the history of the institution. In January our feature is on the Jesuit teacher György Dobronoki.

György Dobronoki was born in Dobronok (now Dobrovnik, Slovenia) in 1588, entered the Jesuit order in 1610, and was ordained a priest in 1622. He taught in Vienna, Graz, Győr, Sopron, Zagreb, Homonna and Nagyszombat. He is credited with organizing the Jesuit colleges in Győr and Sopron. From 1631, he was the rector of the Nagyszombat college. On May 12, 1635, Péter Pázmány drafted the charter of the Nagyszombat University in the presence of rector György Dobronoki, György Forró and imperial confessor, Nicolas Lamormain. From 1636, Dobronoki was responsible for overseeing university construction. He kept a diary about the first years of the university, which can be found today in the manuscripts of our library, in the Hevenesi collection (

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ELTE University Library and Archives

Hungarian Culture Day – Visit our virtual medical history exhibition!

On the occasion of the Hungarian Culture Day (22 January 2023), the ELTE University Library and Archives invites you to visit our virtual medical history exhibition.

The pages of our old books offer an insight into the history of medicine and the secrets of healing in the 16th century.

How were dissections performed in the early modern age? How were the eyeball structures depicted in the 16th century? Where was the first university botanical garden established? These are some of the questions you might discover when you visit our virtual exhibition. We have selected volumes from the University Library's collection from the 16th century to reflect the paradigm shifts on the field of medicine of this period, including botanical volumes, recipe books and anatomical atlases.

Join our virtual journey through time!

More virtual programmes are available here.

For more information about our new and ongoing services, please, visit our website.

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The popularity of our library books in 2022

Scientific and scholarly works

  1. Állam [Republic] / Plato

  2. A fiktív és az imaginárius [The Fictive and the Imaginary] / Wolfgang Iser

  3. A kulturális emlékezet [Cultural Memory and Early Civilization] / Jan Assmann

    A tiszta ész kritikája [Critique of Pure Reason] / Immanuel Kant

    A tragédia születése [The Birth of Tragedy] / Friedrich Nietzsche

    Emlékezet és történelem között [Realms of Memory] / Pierre Nora

    Gyermek, család, halál [Child, Family, Death]  / Philippe Aries

    Ión [Ion] / Plato

  1. Poétika [Poetics] / Aristotle

  2. Behálózva [Linked] / Albert-László Barabási

    Történelem és osztálytudat [History and Class Consciousness] / György Lukács

  1. A protestáns etika és a kapitalizmus szelleme[The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism]  / Max Weber

    A szent és a profán [The Sacred and The Profane] / Mircea Eliade

    Angelus novus / Walter Benjamin

    Elmélkedések az első filozófiáról [Meditations on First Philosophy] / René Descartes

    Gorgiasz [Gorgias] / Plato

    Grammatológia [Of Grammatology]  / Jacques Derrida

    Mi a filozófia? [What is Philosophy?] / Gilles Deleuze

    Politikafilozófiai írások [Writings in Political Philosophy] / Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Rétorika [Rhetoric] / Aristotle



  1. Introduction to management / Colin Combe

    Marketingmenedzsment  [Marketing Management] / Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller

  1. Szociálpszichológia [Social Psychology]  / Eliot R. Smith, Diane M. Mackie

  2. Principles of marketing / Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Mark Oliver Opresnik

  3. International economics / Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melitz

    Pszichológia [Introduction to Psychology]  / Rita L. Atkinson, [et al.]

  1. A közgazdaságtan alapjai [Essentials of Economics] / N. Gregory Mankiw

    Magyar irodalom  [Hungarian Literature] / ed. by Tibor Gintli

    Számviteli ismeretek – érthetően, szórakoztatóan [Accounting – Lucidly and Funnily] / Ágnes Laáb

  1. Fejlődéslélektan [The Development of Children]  / Michael Cole, Sheila R. Cole

  2. Közgazdaságtan  [Economics] / Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus

  3. A társadalomtudományi kutatás gyakorlata [The Practice of Social Research] / Earl Babbie

    Bevezetés a szociológiába [Introduction into Sociology]  / Rudolf Andorka

    Görögrómai történelem [Greek and Roman History] / György Németh, György Hegyi W.

    Magyarország története [The History of Hungary, 895-1301] , 8951301 / Gyula Kristó

  1. A befektetések értékelése  [Investment Valuation]  / Aswath Damodaran

    Magyar alkotmánytörténet [Hungarian Constitutional History] / ed. by Barna Mezey

    Magyarország társadalomtörténete a reformkortól a második világháborúig [Social History of Hungary from the Reform Era to the World War II.] / Gábor Gyáni, György Kövér

    Magyarország története a 19. században [The History of Hungary in the 19th Century] / ed. by András Gergely

    Magyarország története a XX. században [The History of Hungary in the 20th Century] / Ignác Romsics

    Magyarország története, 1301–1526 [The History of Hungary, 1301-1526] / Pál Engel, Gyula Kristó, András Kubinyi

    Üzleti jog – gazdasági civiljog [Business Law - Economic Civil Law] / ed. by Balázs Bodzási, Anikó Grad-Gyenge, Kinga Pázmándi



  1. Bűn és bűnhődés [Crime and Punishment] / Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

  2. Halotti pompa [Funeral Pomp] / Szilárd Borbély

  3. A Pendragon-legenda [The Pendragon Legend] / Antal Szerb

    Dorian Gray arcképe [The Picture of Dorian Gray] / Oscar Wilde

    Utas és holdvilág [Journey by Moonlight] / Antal Szerb

  1. Száz év magány [One Hundred Years of Solitude] / Gabriel García Márquez

  2. A 49-es tétel kiáltása [The Crying of Lot 49] / Thomas Pynchon

    A fehér király [The White King] / György Dragomán

    A félkegyelmű [The Idiot] / Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

    Állatfarm [Animal Farm] / George Orwell

    Az átváltozás - válogatott elbeszélések [The Metamorphosis – selected short stories] / Franz Kafka

    Édes Anna [Anna Édes] / Dezső Kosztolányi

    Isteni színjáték [Divine Comedy] / Dante Alighieri

    Lolita / Vladimir Nabokov

    Moby Dick / Herman Melville

    Sátántangó [Satantango] / László Krasznahorkai

    Valami népi [Something Folksy] / Krisztián Grecsó

    Vonzások és választások [Elective Affinities] / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Abigél [Abigail] / Magda Szabó

    Mi [We] / Jevgenyij Zamjatyin

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Pro Bibliotheca Universitatis – Honorees for the year 2022

In Christmas time 2022, the ELTE University Library and Archives awarded the Pro Bibliotheca Universitatis Certificate of Merit to Anna Orbókné Jagiello and Kinga Sutócki, staff members of the Collection Management Department, thanking them for their high quality and prestigious professional work.

Anna Jagiello Orbókné was honoured for her high quality professional work over three decades and for her role in building the ELTE University Library and Archives' national and international relations. She has consistently performed her duties with high standards, conscientiousness and diligence. Her precision and helpfulness have been demonstrated in the exploration of the content and form of books and journals in the Slavic language family, in the Hungarian and Polish languages, in the support of the Secretariat's work, and in the direct service of library users in the Public Services Department between 2013 and 2018. She has also been involved in the compilation of literature surveys in various disciplines and in the provision of electronic information. She has continuously helped to build the University Library and Archives' national and international relations, especially with Poland. She regularly carries out technical and administrative translations, accompanies delegations and gives professional presentations to Erasmus+ fellows.

Kinga Sutócki's dedicated work, in particular her central journalistic duties at the ELTE University Library and Archives and her participation in the institution's events for more than 20 years, has contributed significantly to the University Library and Archives' reputation. The tasks entrusted to her have always been carried out with reliability, precision and conscientiousness. During her years at the University Library, she first put her expertise and skills to good use in the Public Services Department. In 2014, she joined the Collection Management Department as a member of the Periodicals Team, where she supports effective communication with staff in ELTE libraries and with public partners. She also ensures the quality of her processing work. As part of the University Library's events team, she is one of the permanent leaders of the library tours, helping to maintain and enhance the reputation and prestige of the institution by presenting our wide range of services, library history and curiosities.

The staff of the ELTE University Library and Archives wishes them every success and pleasure in their future endeavours!

The list of our honoured staff members is available here.

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RECERCAT (Dipòsit de la Recerca de Catalunya) is a cooperative repository in which users can consult research literature from universities and research centers, such as articles, research works, final projects, congress talks, reports, working papers, etc.


arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. 


An electronic archive for self-archive papers in any area of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Linguistics, and many areas of Computer Science, Philosophy, Biology, Medicine, Anthropology, as well as any other portions of the physical, social and mathematical sciences that are pertinent to the study of cognition.