Trial Access to the database "Das Diensttagebuch von Wolfram Sievers und das SS-Ahnenerbe (1941–45) (SAEO)"

The University Library and Archives has requested trial access to the database Das Diensttagebuch von Wolfram Sievers und das SS-Ahnenerbe (1941–45) (SAEO) published by De Gruyter. The database is a primary source for researching Nazi Germany, and can be subscribed to it from November 2022. Trial access runs until December 6, 2022.

Link to the database

Content of the database:

The database contains Wolfram Sievers’ complete service diaries (1941–1945) and offers a unique source to study the Nazi research network “Ahnenerbe”. This network was founded by Heinrich Himmler. It served from the very beginning to underpin Nazi ideology. At the end of the war, it included dozens of research facilities all over the German Reich. The “Ahnenerbe” became well known for its criminal medical experiments such as the “Strasbourg skull collection”, the resettlement of ethnic Germans (“Volksdeutsche”) and the theft of cultural property. The managing director, Wolfram Sievers, expanded the “Ahnenerbe” network from 1935–1945 and documented all activities in great detail in his service diary. In the 1930s, the focus of the network shifted from Humanities to Natural and Military Sciences. Sievers corresponded with officials of the Nazi regime and with German and international scientists, some of whom only made careers in the Federal Republic and the GDR. He was sentenced to death in the Nuremberg trial for his involvement in Nazi atrocities.


Über diese Datenbank

Das Diensttagebuch von Wolfram Sievers, Geschäftsführer der SS-Wissenschaftseinrichtung „Ahnenerbe“ ist eine einzigartige Quelle und akribische Dokumentation von NS-Verbrechen. Das von Heinrich Himmler gegründete Netzwerk diente von Beginn an dem Ziel, nationalsozialistische Ideologien zu untermauern. Am Ende des Krieges umfasste es Dutzende Forschungseinrichtungen. Bekannt geworden ist das Ahnenerbe u.a. durch verbrecherische Medizinversuche und Kulturgutraub. Wolfram Sievers prägte das Ahnenerbe von 1935–1945 und dokumentierte in seinem Diensttagebuch detailgenau alle Aktivitäten. Er korrespondierte mit vielen Funktionsträgern des NS-Regimes und Wissenschaftlern im In- und Ausland, von denen einige erst in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR Karriere machten. Die Datenbank bietet damit ein einzigartiges „Who is Who“ deutscher Wissenschaftsgeschichte unter NS-Vorzeichen, die nicht 1945 endete.

Source/author of illustration:

Gale Primary Sources – Trial access

ELTE was granted access to Gale's collection of three primary sources (Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers, The Economist Historical Archive, The Times Digital Archive) for thirty days (until the 14th of December 2022). The collections contain searchable digital versions of American newspapers.

We have the option of searching the individual collections independently or through the Gale Primary Sources  platform in all three databases at the same time.

In addition, the digital research tools developed by Gale can be tested via Gale Digital Scolar Lab. For example, document clustering, Ngrams and topic modeling are all available.

The database can be accessed in the ELTE IP range or by using a VPN service.

Source/author of illustration:

The Autumn Festival of Museums at the ELTE University Library and Archives was a great success

As part of the Autumn Festival of Museums, our library offered guided tours, concerts, as well as book and restoration workshops presentations. 

This year's festival programme included tours of the library's history and the historical rooms of the building. Our 350 visitors were given an insight into the book restoration process and the life and work of Loránd Eötvös. We also offered the opportunity to visit the exhibition entitled Janus Pannonius from Humanism to the Baroque – A selection from the collection of the University Library and Archives. Our guests were able to enjoy István Ádám's guitar concerts and book presentations from our museum collection. Everyone is welcome to our future events!

Source/author of illustration:

Survey results on research data management have been published

In the autumn 2021, in response to the recent trends in scientific communication, the University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE EKL) conducted a survey on the management of research data. The aim of the survey was to map the amount and type of research data processed by the researchers at ELTE. In addition, the questionnaire was designed to assess the researchers’ habits regarding data management, their willingness and motivation to reuse and share research data. The target audience of the survey included all lecturers, PhD students and PhD candidates at ELTE, in total about 6,850 university citizens.

The survey results have been published in the journal titled Scientific and Technical Information (Tudományos és Műszaki Tájékoztatás), the article is now available on the STI homepage as an "OnlineFirst" publication.

Source/author of illustration: and ELTE ULA

Elsevier-webinars in november and december

Elsevier organises a series of webinars for scientific researchers and their supporting librarians in English. The program is free, but prior registration is required.


22/11/2022; 10:00

Elsevier Author Workshop: How to write and publish

Join us to learn authors' tips and tricks to positively improve the quality of manuscripts and to increase your odds in publishing in reputable international journals.


23/11/2022; 10:00

Elsevier Author Workshop: How to find the right journal for your manuscript

During the webinar, we will introduce authors to good practices for selecting journals to read and publish based on verified sources and information.


24/11/2022; 10:00

Elsevier Author Workshop: Best practices in publishing, an author panel discussion

Join us for a panel discussion featuring some of CEE's authors who successfully published in Elsevier journals.


08/12/2022; 10:00

Tips for effective and efficient reporting with SciVal

Researchers and research administrator will learn how to prepare the reports on research performance using Scopus and SciVal and avoid common mistakes.


13/12/2022; 11:30

Elsevier RI on Air – A Q&A session with Galina and Bartek

This interactive webinar is your chance to ask your questions from the CEE Region's Elsevier experts at Research Intelligence.

Source/author of illustration:

The current library holdings of ELTE's public education institutions are available on the common search interface

School libraries belonging to the ELTE library network catalogue their documents in various databases. While maintaining these systems, the ELTE University Library and Archives developed a common search interface in 2011 within the framework of the TÁMOP-3.2.4/09/1/KMR-2010-0021 project, which can be accessed directly at It is also possible to access the common catalogue of ELTE libraries by clicking on the marked menu item:

The menu of "Gimikatalogus" in the common catalogue of ELTE libraries


The records of the libraries in the database:

  • Library of the ELTE Apáczai Csere János Secondary School and College (14 293 records),
  • Library of the ELTE Gyertyánffy István Primary School  (26 193 records), 
  • Library of ELTE Radnóti Miklós Primary and Secondary School (31 785 records),
  • Library of ELTE Trefort Ágoston Secondary School (31 011 records).

The conversion of school library databases is regular. Once a year, usually in November, the data are updated to reflect changes (additions and deletions) from the previous year.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE – November 2022

Object of the month – Logbook of Gusztáv Bárczi, student of medicine

Gusztáv Bárczi (1890–1964) obtained his diploma as special needs education teacher in 1913, after which he devoted his entire life to the development of the special needs education profession and teacher training. He received his doctorate at the Pázmány Péter University Faculty of Medicine in 1921. His logbook issued in September 1916 as a student of the Faculty of Medicine shows that he was able to learn from famous scientists of the era, among the signatures are Loránd Eötvös (experimental physics), István Bugánszky (experimental chemistry), Béla Mauritz (mineralogy) and János Tuzson (plant taxonomy).

The Special Needs Education Teacher Training College led by Gusztáv Bárczi has been bearing his name since 1975, and in honor of the distinguished representative of the profession, it kept the name during the university integration of the institution in 2000. The logbook and the legacies of other distinguished professors have been placed in the History of Special Needs Education Collection. The collection was created in 1965 within the framework of the college, but based on Gusztáv Bárczi's cherished plans since 1944. The aim of the unique collection is to preserve the objects and documents of the history of Hungarian special needs education and teacher training for students and professionals.

Written by: Schlay Georgina

Bárczi Gusztáv orvostanhallgató leckekönyve, 1916/17. első félév
Logbook of  Bárczi Gusztáv a student of medicine 1916/17. first semester
Bárczi Gusztáv orvostanhallgató leckekönyve, 1916/17. második félév
Logbook of  Bárczi Gusztáv a student of medicine 1916/17. second semester


Source/author of illustration:
Bergmann Krisztina, ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education

The entire periodical collection is now accessible in the online catalogue

The periodical collection of the University Library includes approximately 207 000 volumes of 11 500 titles covering various subjects such as philosophy, theology, history, church and religious studies and law.

The most valuable part of the collection are the 400 titles (4 000 volumes) printed before 1800. This historical part of the periodical collection contains 18 rare Hungarian titles in addition to the many international journals in German, English and French.

The constantly expanding collection provides current scientific literature published in Hungarian and a selection of international journals.

The complete periodical collection is available in the library’s online catalogue.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Guitar concert at the Autumn Festival of Museums

István Ádám will give a concert at the ELTE University Library and Archives (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.) on the 11th of November 2022 from 18.00.

Detailed programme:

Johann Sebastian Bach - BWV 998 - Prelude
Fernando Sor - Op. 6 - No.12
Agustin Barrios - El ultimo tremolo
Emilio Pujol - El abejorro
Heitor Villa Lobos - No. 3
Heitor Villa Lobos - No. 6
Dilermando Reis - Se Ela Perguntar
Leo Brouwer - Estudios Sencillos - X

All visitors are welcome!

Source/author of illustration:
István Ádám