Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).

Open Access support options

By choosing the „golden Open Access path”, authors usually have to pay a publication fee (APC/BPC – Book Processing Charge). In order to fully take over or reduce this financial burden, the university and its individual faculties provide the following opportunities for researches, lecturers, and students with ELTE affiliation.

  • Temporary agreements, Read and Publish agreements
  • APC discounts based on agreements with publishers
  • APC and BPC support opportunities at ELTE
  • Further free OA options

Temporary Agreements, Read and Publish agreements

In the price of some databases subscribed through EISZ, publishers have included a certain number of Open Access publication options (quotas). According to the agreements, this option can be used by a correspondent author affiliated with the subscriber institution (ELTE).

With this publication option, 100% of the publishing costs will be remitted. Exceptions are the costs set by each journal in excess of the base price (in the case of a hybrid journal, extra colour pages in print, extra volume, etc.), which must also be paid by the authors, also in accordance with the agreements.

Corresponding authors must agree to comply with the rector’s instructions for publication.

It is only possible to publish for free in the journals of the publishers specified in the agreements.

Information on Open Access Publishing is available in the summary document below.

Instructions for publication by the rector

  1. 6/2012. (II. 23.) számú rektori utasítás az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem publikációs tevékenységének nyilvántartásáról  
  2. 6/2012. (II. 23.) számú rektori utasítás melléklet: tájékoztató segédlet az MTMT működéséhez 
  3. 7/2013. (VI. 26.) számú rektori utasítás az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem hivatalos levelezése során használatos elektronikus levélcímekről 
  4. 6/2015. (IX. 28.) számú rektori utasítás Stratégiai Adatbázis létrehozásával kapcsolatos egyes részletszabályokról az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetemen 
  5. 5/2017. (V. 2.) számú rektori utasítás az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetemen végzett kutatási tevékenységgel kapcsolatos publikációk közzétételének rendjére vonatkozó alapelvekről 

APC discounts based on agreements with publishers

Under an agreement with the MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), articles that also have an ELTE-affiliated author will receive a 10% discount on the APC fee.

APC and BPC support opportunities at ELTE

The Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology and the Faculty of Science provide financial support for authors to pay APC-s.

Further APC and BPC support possibilities

If you want to publish Open Access in a journal that is not part of any RnP agreements, therefor authors need to arrange APC funding, you may want to review the journal’s waiver policy for an available discount.
Publications from research funded by the European Union (H2020, HE) must be published Open Access. The EU intends to help meet this requirement through a free OA publication infrastructure. You can read more about possibility at Open Research Europe.

Source/author of illustration: