Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.


If you do not find the book you are looking for in our catalog, you can make a suggestion for this service to purchase the missing publications. The service can be used by those who have provided a library card.
Self-service scanning You can digitalize documents in a self-service manner, due to the special book scanners. Using the scanners, up to 30 pages per minute can be scanned without the need to stretch the books on a glass plate, thus saving the spine. The software automatically straightens the pages after laser scanning. The device enables digitisation of documents up to A3 size and has a character recognition function so that scanned content can be saved not only as images but also as editable text.
The Hungarian Scientific Bibliographic Database is a comprehensive and authentic bibliographic database of scientific publications of Hungarian authors and publications citing them. Regarding MTMT, the obligations of ELTE employees are governed by the mandate 6/2012. (II. 23.) and information guide issued by the Rector’s Office.
Self-service printing and photocopying By purchasing a print & copy card, you can copy and print independently from the standing terminal. You can buy print & copy card at different values and with different discounts at the information desk (ground floor). The terminal (in the Lobby) allows you to make monochrome (grayscale) and color copies locally.
Publications missing from the library’s stock can be obtained from domestic (rural) or foreign libraries on request, in original or copy, as required. The use of the requested documents (can be borrowed or used only locally) is provided by the lending library.
You can extend your borrowings twice, by 3-3 weeks in the following ways:
With the electronic request form, you can request documents from the library stock from anywhere and anytime. Electronic request form step by step when requesting a BOOK In order to request documents from the stock online, log in to the catalogue (ELTEfind, Login menu item). Username: the barcode number of the library card or student ID Password: by default, the date of birth in YYYYMMDD format, e.g. 19970214. The password can be changed.
In case you want to borrow a book or read it locally and it has already been borrowed by another reader, you can make a reservation for the document. Reservations can only be made with valid visitor’s card os a borrower’s card. You can reserve a document: in person at the readers’ service desks, or remotely through the online catalogue. When a book becomes available for loan, you will be notified by email. The reserved and returned documents will be set aside by the library for up to 5 business days from the date of notification.