EDIT access levels
EDIT is based on the idea of open access: its aim is to make the uploaded documents readable, downloadable, accessible, indexable and searchable.
The repository is placed in compliance with current legislation and publishing regulations. As a part of the upload process, the uploader accepts the agreement. The author may also protect his/her document using a Creative Commons License.
Access to EDIT content can be limited to levels:
- Level 1, where only some metadata (author, title, date of publication) of the document can be viewed;
- Level 2, when we can access all the metadata of the document (e.g., author of a thesis, thesis title, submission time, supervisor, keywords, abstract, etc.);
- Level 3, where the full text can be read and downloaded in addition to the metadata (it is adjustable per file).
These access levels can be controlled by IP-based or password login.
Multiple files can be attached to an item (description) and their access can be controlled separately. For instance, it is possible to set access to one of the two files attached to a description to be completely open and the other to closed.
Access types
- Open: the document is accessible to anyone on the Internet.
- Closed: a document is uploaded only for archiving purposes. Only repository administrators have access.
- IP-restriction: from an entire institutional network, limited to one or two computers.
- Password access: the administrator creates a user group, sets the read permission then adds users.
- Access after expiration date: this is a so-called embargo date setting option. The administrator sets an expiration date for a particular file, which is closed until then, and then automatically becomes available from the specified date.
- Restriction of access later on: nothing is deleted from the repository, however, the previously set accesses can be changed. You can also attach new files to an existing item, such as closing obsolete, expired documents, and then attaching un updated, valid version.
Access to the contents of the Educational materials (Other units)
In this collection, closed documents are only available to users registered with The University’s Disability Center (SHÜTI). SHÜTI adapts textbooks for students with special needs. An accessible version of the curriculum is available to eligible students.
Access to Thesis collections
Theses in EDIT can be accessed with the consent of the authors.
In the case of the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education (BGGYK) and the Faculty of Social Sciences (TáTK), applications for theses are subject to individual assessment. In the case of the theses of the Faculty of Informatics (IK), you can see on the padlock next to the document what level of access is requested by the author for the theses.
In the case of ELTE IP, the documents can be accessed from the ELTE IP range, in addition, they can also be accessed from home by ELTE citizens using remote access tools. Manuscripts theses may only be used with full respect for copyright.
The item is available from ELTE IP range:

The item is not available: