Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).

Adopt this book in October!

This booklet, printed during the era of the great religious debates of the 17th century, contains the views, arguments and thoughts of three Protestant thinkers. The volume was printed in Frankfurt, probably because of the small number of Protestant printers in the Kingdom of Hungary, and possibly also because of the strictness of censorship. This is probably why neither the printer nor the publisher is known.

The title-page is printed in red and black two-colour, but the slip of the lines shows that the printer may not have had much experience in the art of printing in multiple colours. Balthasar Meisner (1587–1626), the author of the first work, takes up and gives a worthy Protestant answer to the cunning theological questions posed by the Jesuits, usually to confuse 'the good, pious simpletons'. The orthodox Lutheran theologian Nicolaus Hunnius (1585–1643), later superintendent of Lübeck, was mainly interested in religious controversies, and he repeatedly attacked the Roman Catholic Church, mostly in writing. Another great exponent of Lutheran orthodoxy, Johann Friedrich Meyer (1650–1712), already had a considerable collection of books in his day, and in the early 18th century his library was one of the largest private collections in addition to coins and portraits of the great figures of Protestantism by the great painter Lucas Cranach the Elder.

The book is part of the book adoption program of the Foundation for the University Library. Save a book, adopt a book! For more information visit our website: https://konyvtar.elte.hu/en/support-us/adopt-a-book


RMK I 335

Balthasar Meisner

Catholicus valasz az esaviták eretnek kérdésére: hol volt Lutherus előtt az igaz vallás avagy Anya Sz. Egyház? Az pápisták között szorongatásban lévő minden evangelicus keresztényeknek Ao. 1627. ki adatott Meisner Boldisar a Sz. Irás doctora, és wittenbergai professor által. Mostan pedig az ecclesia nyomorúságin keserves könyveket hullató egy nevezetlen személy nemzetének hasznára, s az, veszedelemben tántorgó lelkek javára magyar nyelvre németből fordítván nyomtatásban ki adott.

együtt nyomtatva:

RMK I 336

Nicolaus Hunnius

Rövid fundamentomos tracta, mellyből a kegyes olvasó a romai és evangelica ecclesiakról ítéletet tehet, Isten igéjéből elő adatott Nicol. Hunnius d. és lübecki superintend. által.

RMK I 337

Johann Friedrich Mayer

A pápista vallásra hajlott Lutheranusok lelkek isméretinek kinnya, mellyet edgy Sz. Írás magyarázó Mayer Frid. János nevű doctor és p.p. eleikben irása által ki bocsátott.

Francofurti : [s.n.], anno 1692.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives