Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).

Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.

EBSCO - Academic Search Complete

In the multidisciplinary database, full-text access is available to articles from 6300 subscription journals, often including the most recent issues. The platform also provides access to various other sources. The regularly updated database allows searches in fields such as anthropology, biology, law, chemistry, geology, engineering, mathematics, psychology, theology, etc. For a video tutorial on using the database, you can watch here.






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