Book Presentation of the Dante Codex

On the occasion of the Cultural Heritage Days, the illustrious Dante Codex, which was last presented to the public in 2007, will be presented on 18th of September, 2021 from 3.30 pm. The unfinished codex belonging to the ELTE University Library probably was brought to Hungary during the reign of Louis I (the Great). In the 16th century, after the occupation of Buda, the Turks removed it as spoils of war. The Turkish monarch Abdülhamid Han returned the volume in the second half of the 19th century. The world-famous codex is one of the first surviving descriptions of the Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) that differs in several parts from the canonized text based on Boccaccio's copies, decorated with 94 color miniatures, initials, and drawings. Discover the codex online in our repository ( and also visit our exclusive book presentation event. All visitors are welcome.

Source/author of illustration:

Autumn Walks in the Library with presentation of museum pieces

Our guided tours focus on the history of the University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University. The library palace was designed by Antal Szkalnitzky. Up-to-date technology of the time was used for ventilation, heating and illumination. The tour will take you through the entrance hall decorated with sgraffiti to the reading room with figures on its ceiling which symbolise sciences and arts. Besides the magnificent art and architecture of the reading room of the University Library and Archives, you can also see an oil-painting of the middle-aged Franc Joseph I. by Mór Than. Our librarians will tell you the secrets, and show you the hidden nooks and crannies of the library.

Join our library tour! More details about our programs are available here.


Guided tours:

University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University

1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.


18/09/2021, Saturday - 12:00 - 12:30

18/09/2021, Saturday - 13:00 - 13:30

18/09/2021, Saturday - 14:00 - 14:30 (English - in case of interest)

18/09/2021, Saturday - 15:00 - 15:30

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE ULA (Photo: Géza Kurka)

„Behind the scenes” – Guided Tour in the Restoration Workshop

We adumbrate in our restoration workshop, in which you can get a taste of bookrestoration. Behind the scenes you can learn about preserving our valuable documents and experience how a sewing frame can be used in bookbinding. All visitors are welcome! For more information, please visit our website. You have also the opportunity to support the University Library and Archives through our Adopt a Book program!


Guided Tour in the Restoration Workshop:

University Library and Archives, Eötvös Loránd University

1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.


18/09/2021, Saturday - 12:30 - 13:00

18/09/2021, Saturday - 13:30 - 14:00

18/09/2021, Saturday - 14:30 - 15:00

18/09/2021, Saturday - 15:30 - 16:00

Source/author of illustration:

Cultural Heritage Days – Treasures enclosed in pages. Book and art lovers are welcome again!

As part of the Cultural Heritage Days, we will reopen the doors of our library for those interested on Saturday, the 18th of September, 2021.

We would like to draw attention to the protection of our cultural heritage by presenting a wide scale of programmes for all ages: library history guides, calligraphic and bookbinding craft programs, restorer workshop and presentation of old books, interactive Eötvös exhibition, Festival Academy Student Quartet and Duo-Perpetual concert.

As part of this year’s program series, a ceremonial book adoption will also take place with the support of French Ambassador Pascale Andréani. Furthermore, we commemorate the Dante anniversary with an exclusive presentation of the Dante Codex, which was last presented to the public in 2007. The unfinished codex belonging to the ELTE University Library probably was brought to Hungary during the reign of Louis I (the Great). In the 16th century, after the occupation of Buda, the Turks removed it as spoils of war. The Turkish monarch Abdülhamid Han returned the volume in the second half of the 19th century. The world-famous codex is one of the first surviving descriptions of the Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) that differs in several parts from the canonized text based on Boccaccio's copies, decorated with 94 color miniatures, initials, and drawings. A detailed program can be found on the official website of the Cultural Heritage Days. All visitors are welcome!

In accordance with the valid university epidemiological regulations, the programs of the event can be visited in a mask covering the nose and mouth, with a Certificate of Protection against Coronavirus.

Source/author of illustration:

Reverberating Sounds – The Concert of the Festival Academy Budapest in the ELTE University Library and Archives was a great success

The Reading Room of the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives was filled on the concert of the Festival Academy Budapest on July 23, 2021. The audience had the pleasure to listen to Xenakis Dhipli's Zyia Bach Duo for Violin and Cello with Jonian Ilias Kadesha (violin) and Vashti Mimosa Hunter (cello) in the imposing reading room, followed by Machaut's Three Ballads, performed by Barnabás Hegyi (vocals), Ágnes Polónyi (harp), Júlia Regős (viola da gamba) and János Bali (flute). The program was implemented in the framework of the event series entitled Walking Concerts.

The lovers of musical experiences are also welcome at the concerts organized on the Cultural Heritage Days (September 18, 2021), performed by the Korossy Quartet and the Duo-Perpetual. For more information regarding our autumn programs, please, visit our website regularly.

More photos are available on our Facebook page.

Source/author of illustration:
Andrea Felvégi, Festival Academy Budapest

Fluttering Sounds – Walking concert of the Festival Academy Budapest in the ELTE University Library and Archives

The University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University will host the concert of the Festival Academy Budapest on 23rd of July 2021 from 3.30 pm.

The concert will feature Machaut’s Three Ballads and Xenakis’s Dhipli Zyia, as well as duos for violin and cello.

The organizers of the musical program are Katalin Kokas and Barnabás Kelemen, the artistic directors of the Festival Academy Budapest, within the framework of the event series entitled Walking Concerts.

More details can be found here. For more information about the concerts of the Festival Academy Budapest, please, visit their website.

Source/author of illustration:

Reporting day K21 – Results in the light of quality improvement

In view of the epidemiological situation, the second quarterly report of the K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee was held in the framework of a Teams meeting. Working group leaders reported on the results and changes of the last quarter.

The K21 Quality Management Coordination Committee thanked Katalin Kálóczi, the founder of K21, for more than a decade of her successful work and wished her every success in achieving her goals on her retirement.

The website of the University Library Service (ULS) has been renewed, which presents the services of the library network in a clear and user-friendly way that fits the image of ELTE. The ULS communication strategy has also been reviewed, and the updated document, together with the situation analysis and action plan, was adopted by the Library Council at its meeting on 18th June 2021. The documents are available in the EDIT repository. In order to develop the communication culture, with a greater emphasis on internal communication, we also provide information to our employees on the Kolibri mailing list in the framework of a short-animated film.

The evaluation of the results regarding the teacher needs and satisfaction survey compiled by Eötvös Loránd University in November 2020 has been completed. According to the survey, both educators and researchers, as well as the supporter of the education and research, are satisfied with the book lending and our information service. Due to the epidemic situation and the transition to distance learning, there has been a significant increase in the use of online services by libraries. Respondents expressed their satisfaction with the expansion of the range of electronically available journals and the provision of journal lending for library services, but would also request access to some additional specialized databases.

The student satisfaction survey results from 2021 are in progress, the evaluation is expected to become public from the autumn. The outcome of the ULS organizational culture survey is also being summarized.

The review of process descriptions, process inventory and key processes is performed continuously by the process management working group. The members of the green library working group are working on the creation of a green virtual collection, in which they collected printed resources related to the topic. The barrier-free library group is compiling a complex, constantly updated barrier-free library use guide. Their long-term plans include a sensitization training, which is expected to be organized for librarians next summer in cooperation with the ELTE Disability Center. Based on the call of the Library Institute for the Marrakesh Treaty – Registration of Authorized Organizations, a comprehensive recommendation was prepared. As a result, the libraries of Eötvös Loránd University upload their records in accessible formats to the database of the Hungarian National Common Catalog.

We will announce the latest developments and results on our portal soon.

Source/author of illustration:
ULA University Library

Our INeedABook service has been renewed

Based on feedback from our users, we have renewed our INeedABook service, which allows you to suggest books for purchase if they are not available in our library.

The simplified interface is now available on our website. After authentication with the reader card, it is possible to send a purchase proposal by filling in a few fields.

We do our best to fullfil your request as soon as possible considering the collection circuit of the library, and depending on the availability of the publication. However, you have to count with a waiting time of at least two weeks in the case of Hungarian, and four weeks for foreign books.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Archival publications at the VII. Medieval Book Fair

On Friday, July 2, 2021, between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm, the Hungarian National Archives (Budapest IX., Vágóhíd u. 7.) will hold the VII. Medieval Book Fair with the participation of nearly twenty book publishers. The latest publications of our archive’s series „Hungarian Students at Medieval Universities” will also be available at the event. 

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives

Our Pauline documents at the Pauline temporary exhibition

An exhibition on the history of the Pauline order was opened at the Hungarian National Museum between 15th June 2021 and 12th September 2021, where several Pauline manuscripts and prints keep from our library are also presented, including the following manuscripts: A 115, Cod. Lat. 115, Cod. Lat. 131.

The exhibition organized on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the death of Boldog Özséb, the founder of the order, gives a comprehensive picture of the only Hungarian monastic order founded and still operating in Hungary. The order, established around 1250, today has a presence of nearly half a thousand members, on four continents, in sixteen countries.

Considering that the Hungarian origin of the order and the history of the Hungarian order range are little known, the exhibition mainly presents the Pauline and modern life of the Paulines, highlighting the historical role of the Polish center (Częstochowa).

The exhibited objects (archeological finds, medieval manuscripts, modern prints, liturgical objects, numerous sculptures, paintings and engravings) testify to the rich heritage of the order.

Source/author of illustration:
Graduale Romanum Ordinis Pauli Primi Eremitae monasterii S. Egidii de Uyhel, liturgical songbook, Pauline monastery in Újhely [Sátoraljaújhely], 1623).