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New studies on the history of our university

The latest issue of the university history journal Gerundium (vol. 13., nos. 3–4.) contains several studies on the history of our university. Péter Tusor provides new data on the question of papal recognition of the university's foundation in Nagyszombat (today: Trnava, Slovakia) in 1635, Zsolt Kökényesi describes the aristocratic students who studied at the University of Nagyszombat between 1616 and 1773, László Szögi analyses the composition, social stratification and changes in the number of students at the University of Nagyszombat, Krisztina Tóth explains the circumstances of the tragic destruction of the university’s records in the 1950s.  

An electronic version of the journal is available at https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/gerundium/index.

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