List of journals that engage in objectionable practices 2024

In the spring of 2023, the Presidium of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decided to set up a committee whose main task was to develop an action plan for science practicioners against questionable publication practices.

As a result of the Committee’s work, a report entitled Proposals for the Handling of Articles for Journals that Engage in Objectionable Practices has been produced and on 16th October published on the MTA website.

Among the proposals from the Committee are:

„Proposal 9: Publications that have been published in journals with objectionable practices should be flagged in the MTMT after they have been listed.

Proposal 10: It is recommended that articles published in journals flagged for questionable publication practices after flagging not be given a „scientific” classification; they would thus appear in the MTMT summary table and not be considered for the title of Doctor of Science, in the selection of academicians, for applications to MTA, or for prize nominations. We recommend that institutions involved in domestic scientific research and funding do likewise.”

The Committee supported the use of the journal classification of the Norwegian Register for the future identification of articles published in journals with dubious practices in non-Hungarian journals. Specifically, it is proposed that articles published in journals classified as „0” in the list should be ignored in the various classifications.

For publications and journals published in Hungarian and in Hungarian journals, the Committee did not support the use of the Norwegian list; here they encourage the use of the classification currently available in the MTMT, which is based on the recommendations of the scientific departments of MTA.

At the end of October 2023, the MTA created a special sub-page on the MTMT website (List of journals that engage in objectionable practices 2024), where authors can get information about the journals concerned. The list will be updated in January–February 2024 on the basis of published final evaluations, but only positive changes will be included.

For more information, please visit the MTA website and study the full report Proposals for the Handling of Articals for Journals that Engage in Objectionable Practices (pdf, Hungarian version).

Source/author of illustration:

Our virtual exhibition „Chronica Hungarorum 550” is now available

The most famous publication of the first printing house in Hungary is the Chronica Hungarorum (Buda Chronicle), produced by András Hess for the eve of Pentecost on the 5th of June 1473, the original version preserved in our library is also notable for the fact that the edition never left the territory of historic Hungary.

For the 550th anniversary of the Buda Chronicle in 2023, we have created a virtual exhibition based on our chamber exposition, on display between June and September 2023.

Source/author of illustration:

Introducing the versatile EBSCO Mobile App

Discover a pocket-sized, multi-function library access tool for users of EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) and EBSCOhost®. Ideal for quick and efficient searches, the app ensures progress on the go.


  • User-friendly interface for both novice and advanced researchers
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  • Leverage device strengths with native tools, facial recognition, and more
  • Read or listen anytime, anywhere with access to external full-text content

The EBSCO Mobile App is available for iOS and Android devices. Ensure your device meets the requirements:

  • Apple iPhones and iPads: iOS 11+
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For more information on using the EBSCO Mobile App, please see:

EBSCO Mobile App - Installation and Authentication FAQs

Downloading and Reading eBooks on the EBSCO Mobile App


Source/author of illustration:

Trial access to the EBSCO SocINDEX with Full Text database

EBSCO has offered trial access to the SocINDEX with Full Text database, that is available on the EBSCOhost platform until the 31st of December 2023. The University has subscribed to the database for 2024, so access can be continuous until the 31st of December 2024. The database is also available by connecting to ELTE's internet network or by remote access with a VPN service.

SocINDEX is the authoritative bibliographic database for sociology research. The database offers indexed records from top sociology journals covering many related studies.

SocINDEX with Full Text includes rigorous curation and indexing of Open Access (OA) journals, which has resulted in a growing collection of 811 active global OA journals. Once validated and certified for inclusion, these OA journals are treated with high-quality subject indexing and sophisticated, precise, as well as accurate full-text linking.

Source/author of illustration:

EBSCO Open Dissertations – New database on the EBSCOhost platform

The database includes bibliographical data for 1,500,000 dissertations and theses, all of which are accessible in full text. EBSCO Open Dissertations makes electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) more widely available to researchers worldwide.

This initiative is a collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs. The documents can be selected and searched on a well-searchable platform, EBSCOhost, either as a standalone database or in conjunction with other databases subscribed to by the university. The database and EBSCOhost, when connected to the ELTE internet network directly or through the use of VPN services, are accessible both on and off-campus.

Source/author of illustration:

The Autumn Festival of Museums at the ELTE University Library and Archives was a great success

As part of the Autumn Festival of Museums, our library offered guided tours, as well as book and restoration workshops presentations. 

This year's festival programme included tours of the library's history and the historical rooms of the building. Our visitors were given an insight into the book restoration process and the life and work of Loránd Eötvös. We also offered the opportunity to visit the exhibition entitled Unus non sufficit orbis – One world is not enough: Hungarian Jesuits in South America. Our guests were able to enjoy our book presentations from our museum collection. Everyone is welcome to our future events!

Source/author of illustration:

Diversity and Variety – Selection of Taiwanese literary treasures

„Diversity and Variety – Selection of Taiwanese literary treasures” poster exhibition opened on the 7th of November 2023 at the ELTE University Library and Archives. The posters will be on display until the 23rd of November 2023, during opening hours in the lobby of the library palace. All visitors are welcome!

Mosaics from the heritage of ELTE - November 2023

The object of the month – Lodoicea maldivica

The 12,000-item seed collection of the ELTE Botanical Garden is a comparative collection. The lots are kept at room temperature, so most of the species are not suitable for long-term preservation - in a state capable of germinating.

The compilation of the first items can be done at the end of the 19th century, and then the significantly increased material was damaged in World War II. When Szaniszló Priszter moved to the Botanical Garden, he took over and tidied up the damaged (broken vials) collection, which received a tray cabinet made for this purpose. The cabinet was moved from the foyer of the office to the botanical room, and then in 2017 to its final location, the upstairs core room.

The collection continues to grow to this day, for example, in recent years, a huge sea bean (Entada rheedii) with pods similar to a pea, almost half a meter long, and a Maldivian nut (Lodoicea maldivica), which can reach 25 kilograms in its habitat, as a gift from András Neményi. In the meantime, the collection, which continues to grow to this day, has also outgrown the closet. In 2015, with the participation of volunteers, the construction of the photographic database of the collection began, as well as the digitization of its data, which continues with the involvement of volunteers and university students.

Written by László Papp

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE Botanical Garden

EBSCO Online Training for Librarians

EBSCO's Customer Training Specialist, Tibor Foltinsky conducts an online training for librarians, who can thus provide effective assistance to researchers and library visitors in the search for scientific information and can also hold training sessions for interested users.

The purpose of the webinar is to get to know the EBSCOhost platform, to present its special functions, and to explain search strategies.


Webinar language: English

Date: November 7, 2023, 3 p.m

Duration: 1 hour

Location: Teams Meeting


Join the meeting



Source/author of illustration:

Adopt this book in November!

István Illyés (1650–1711/1712), the author of our adoptable book, was born in 1650 in Csíkszentgyörgy (Ciucsângeorgiu) in Szeklerland, as the younger brother of András Illyés, later bishop of Transylvania. He was educated in his native village, at the Franciscan school of Csíksomlyó (Șumuleu Ciuc), then in Ungvár (Uzhhorod), Szepes (Spiš) and Pozsony (Bratislava).

As an alumnus of the Pázmáneum, he studied in Vienna from 1672, where he obtained a master's degree. He completed his theological studies at the German-Hungarian College in Rome, after which he was ordained a priest (1677). On his return to Hungary he held several posts (e.g. parish priest of Nádszeg [Trstice]), canon of Esztergom and parish priest of Somorja (Šamorín) in 1688, archdeacon of Hont in 1689, archdeacon of Zólyom (Zvolen) in 1690, provost of Szenttamás (Србобран) in 1691, and later abbot of Szentjobb (Sâniob). In 1693, he became custos of Esztergom, in 1696 cantor, in 1707 lector, in 1708 grand provost of Esztergom, then vicar general and bishop of Szendrő (Smederevo). He died in 1711 or 1712. 

The first edition of the Készület a jól meghaláshoz (’Preparation for Dying Well’) was published in 1693 by the Academy Press in Nagyszombat (Trnava), together with his psalms and funeral hymns, but a second, slightly revised edition was published in the same year (the University Library's copy contains the latter edition). After the greeting of the readers, the author presents in two parts how Christians should prepare for death: the first part deals with the necessary actions in a healthy age, the second with those necessary in sickness. Each of these two parts is divided into 10 further chapters. More than half of the volume is taken up by subsequent prayers, which are also necessary to prepare for death: a creed, a prayer for forgiveness of sins, a prayer against the fear of death, a prayer to the guardian angel and Mary, prayers for the terminally ill, etc. The whole work concludes with the text of the Litany of Loreto before the list of errors and contents. 25 leaves are bound behind the print (later hands numbered the leaves in pencil), on which several 17th-18th century hands inscribed prayers in Hungarian and Latin. The subjects of the hand-written prayers are diverse: a sinner's prayer to Mary; a powerful prayer to be said every nine days; a prayer for the peace of the Church and the kingdom; a rosary of the Holy Trinity against pestilence; a prayer to Jude the Apostle and Saint John of Nepomuk. 

The book is part of the book adoption program of the Foundation for the University Library. Save a book, adopt a book! For more information visit our website:


RMK I 346

Illyés István

Készület a’ jól meg-haláshoz, szép oktatásokkal, bíztatásokkal, főfő jószágos cselekedetek gyakorlásával, imádságokkal, és Istenhez-való fohászkodásokkal, fel-készíttetett, és először francziául, az-után olaszul, és deákül bévebben : most pedig Illyés István … által, magyarul rövidebben, és némely változással, ’s néhol hozzá-adással is, ki-bocsáttatott, a halandók, és halálos betegségben vonakodók vigasztalására, segédelmére, és az őket vigasztalók üdvösséges foglalatosságára

Nyomtattatot Nagyszombatban : az Academiai bötükkel Hörman János által, M. DC. XCIII. [1693] esztendőben

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE University Library and Archives