Reporting Day K21 – Results in the light of quality improvement

At the second quarterly report of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee 2023, the leaders of the working groups reported on the results of the past quarter, ongoing work and changes.

On the 19th and on the 20th of June 2023, the staff of the University Library Service (ULS) participated in a strategy workshop. Taking into account the micro- and macro-environmental circumstances and conditions, user needs, organisational characteristics and national and international trends, which are the main factors determining the strategy, our librarians jointly defined the main strategic objectives for the next five years, after a situation analysis. It is planned to continue this joint work in the autumn.

The Accessible Library Working Group organised a successful awareness-raising training on autism for ELTE librarians on the 12th of June 2023. The presentations, held by the staff of the ELTE Special Student Affairs Support Office, focused on the library needs of students living with autism. The presentations were followed by joint discussions, exchange of experiences and sharing of good practices.  

A report on the performance evaluation prepared by the Primary Research Working Group was unanimously accepted by the committee members. The results of the student needs and satisfaction survey 2023 have been sent by the ELTE Quality Office and the results are being evaluated. At Eötvös Loránd University, the data from the comprehensive staff survey and the survey on the use of electronic content are being compiled and analyses are being prepared.

The Process Management Working Group is responsible for standardising the tasks in the Terms of Reference and the document is currently being finalised. A virtual green library, compiled by the Green Library Working Group, is now available on the website. At the second National Green Library Conference organised by the József Attila Library, Zsuzsanna Kutasi presented on the environmental awareness survey of the ELTE university library network. Green awareness training is planned for the autumn.

The Communication Working Group has provided information on the tasks and achievements of the working groups through our website, newsletter and short film entitled 3 months – 3 minutes, and contributed to the success of the preparation and administration of the K21 reporting days meetings.

Library managers met four times in the second quarter to discuss, amongst other issues, performance evaluation, 2024 EISZ orders, management and delivery of theses.

An update on the achievements of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee and our new developments will be posted on our website soon.

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